Compression Types Report

The Compression Types report contains a donut chart that breaks down requested assets by whether they were compressed by our edge servers. The percentage of compressed assets is broken down by the type of compression used. Detailed information is provided below the graph for each compression type and status.

Before an asset will be compressed by our CDN, the following conditions must be met:

  1. The platform through which the asset was requested must be configured to allow compression for the asset's media type (i.e., mime-type).
  2. The HTTP client must send an Accept-Encoding header with at least one acceptable compression type (i.e., gzip, deflate, or bzip2).
  3. The edge server handling the request must already have a cached version of the requested asset.
  4. The requested asset must be smaller than 1 MB, which is the maximum allowed size for compression.

The available compression types are described below.

Compression Type Description


The requested asset met the above conditions and was compressed using the bzip2 format.


The requested asset met the above conditions and was compressed using the deflate format.


The requested asset met the above conditions and was compressed using the gzip format.

not compressible

The media type for the requested asset was not enabled for compression.


The requested asset met condition #1, but did not meet one of the other requirements. As a result, the asset was not compressed.

The data that was used to generate the chart, along with detailed bandwidth and traffic information, is displayed directly below it.

View a description for each of these metrics.