
Content may be delivered via the following delivery platforms:

As a result of the above optimizations, requests are handled slightly differently on the ADN platform.

Request Handling

The CDN serves content by handling each request through the following workflow:

This workflow is described below.

Phase Action Description



A user requests content from the CDN. This request is automatically directed to the POPIdentifies a location on our network through which users can request and receive content. closest to that user.



The CDN checks whether the requested content has been secured. If so, then the request must pass the minimum security requirements set for that content.


Check for Cached Content

Once the request has been authorized, the CDN checks for a cached version of the requested content. If freshIdentifies cached content that can be served directly by an edge server without requiring revalidation with an origin server. It also indicates that the cached content's TTL has not expired. content is found, then it is served immediately to the user. Otherwise, it is requested from the origin serverRefers to the server(s) where content served via the CDN is stored. There are two types of origin servers, which are CDN and customer origin servers. All requests that cannot be fulfilled directly by an edge server are forwarded to an origin server. For example, a request for content that has not been previously cached is forwarded from an edge server to an origin server..


Fetch and Deliver

The origin server responds with the requested content. This response is served to the user via the POP identified in phase 1.

If content is served via ADN, then the response from the customer origin server will be routed through an ADN gateway server. This ensures optimal performance between your web servers and the edge of our network.



The edge serverThis type of server is located near the edge of our network where its close proximity to your end-users allows it to deliver data more quickly than normal Internet communication. It is responsible for handling requests and caching assets. that served the requested content may then cache it.

If content is served via ADN, then it may also be cached on the ADN gateway server.

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