Decrypting an Existing Token

You should upgrade to Token-Based Authentication 3.0.
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If you know the exact encryption key that was used for a particular token, then you can decrypt it. Decrypting an existing token allows you to view its requirements. If you suspect that a particular client is having trouble viewing your content, you can decrypt his/her token to discover which requirement is not being met.

A token value can be decrypted using any of the following:

To decrypt a token using the Decrypt tool

  1. Navigate to the Decrypt Tool section of the Token Auth page.
  2. In the Token To Decrypt option, paste the desired token value.
  3. In the Key to Decrypt option, select the encryption key used to generate that token value.
  4. Click Decrypt. The requirements for that token will appear next to the Original Parameters label.

The Decrypt tool will not be able to decrypt tokens generated with an old encryption key. Use the Token Generation executable to decrypt these types of token values.

To decrypt a token using the Token Generator executable

  1. Download the Token Generator application.
  2. Extract the Windows or Linux version to a local drive.
  3. Open the command line.
  4. Navigate to the directory where the Token Generator executable is located.
  5. Issue the following command: