User Interface

The various options through which you can configure a Real-Time Alert are defined below. These options are categorized by:

General Alert Setup

The following options define the conditions under which a notification will be triggered.

Name Description

Alert Enabled

Determines whether the current alert will be active or inactive. If an alert has been deactivated, then our network monitoring system will not monitor your account for the specified condition. As a result, a notification will not be sent when the condition takes place.


Required. Determines how this new alert will be identified. A properly named alert provides a quick way to identify its purpose.

Media Type

Determines the platform that will be monitored by the criteria defined by this alert. You may choose to monitor other platforms for the same condition by creating an alert on each desired platform.


Required. Determines the network condition that will be monitored for on the specified platform. When defining an expression, you will need to set the following options:

  • Metric: Identifies the type of CDN activity/condition that will be monitored on a specified platform for your account.
  • Operator: Determines the relational operator that will be used to establish whether a particular network condition holds true.
  • Trigger value: Determines the threshold value for determining when an expression is true.


Determines whether the current alert will only be triggered for traffic corresponding to a specific edge CNAME.

The CNAME option lists all edge CNAMEs for which custom report logging has been enabled.


Determines the number of minutes that must pass between each check for the specified expression. The specified value must be a whole number greater than 0.

Notify On

Determines the notification frequency during the time period that the specified condition is true. You can choose between the following options:

  • Condition Start: Indicates that a notification will be sent when the specified condition is first detected.
  • Condition End: Indicates that a notification will be sent when the specified condition is no longer detected. This notification can only be triggered after our network monitoring system detected that the specified condition occurred.
  • Continuous: Indicates that a notification will be sent each time that the network monitoring system detects the specified condition. Keep in mind that the network monitoring system will only check once per interval for the specified condition.
  • Condition Start and End: Indicates that a notification will be sent the first time that the specified condition is detected and once again when the condition is no longer detected. This option provides approximate notification as to when the specified condition started and ended.

Email Notification Setup

When an alert's condition has been met, then a custom email can be sent according to the Notify On option. The properties of this email, such as recipients, the subject line, and the body, are determined by the options specified in the Notify by Email section.

Name Description

Notify by Email

Determines whether an email notification will be sent out when an alert's expression and notification conditions are met.


Indicates the email address from which the email notification will be sent. This email address is set by your CDN provider.

You should ensure that your email system handles emails from this email address properly to avoid a situation where alerts are blocked, filtered, or otherwise mishandled.


Determines the set of email addresses to which an email notification will be sent. Only valid email addresses should be specified in this option. If you would like to specify more than one email address, make sure to delimit each one with a comma (e.g.,,, The blank space after the comma is optional.

This field is required when the Notify by Email option has been marked.


Determines the subject line of the email notification. When specifying the subject line, you can use keywords that will be replaced with dynamic data when the email notification is sent.

This field is required when the Notify by Email option has been marked.


Determines the body of the email notification. When specifying the body, you can use keywords that will be replaced with dynamic data when the email notification is sent.

This field is required when the Notify by Email option has been marked.

Test Notification

Allows you to send a test email notification. The subject line of this email notification will indicate to the recipient that they are receiving a test notification.


Restores the default subject line and message.

HTTP POST Request Notification Setup

An HTTP POST request can be sent to a server when an alert's condition has been met. The body of this HTTP POST request can contain dynamic data that identifies the network conditions that triggered the alert. Since you can use headers to define the format for the body of the HTTP POST request, you can serve up data in XML, JSON, name/value pairs, etc. One use for this type of notification is to provide the means through which you can feed your API information sent from our network monitoring system.

Before taking advantage of this type of notification, you will need to configure an HTTP server to support HTTP POST requests to a specific URL. After which, you will need to define how your API will use the information sent from our network monitoring system.

Name Description

Notify by HTTP Post

Determines whether an HTTP POST request will be sent out when an alert's expression and notification conditions are met.


Indicates the URL to which an HTTP POST request will be sent.

This field is required when the HTTP Post Request option has been marked.


Determines the headers that will be passed with the HTTP POST request. The format for each request header is Name:Value (e.g., Content-Type: application/xml). Each request header should be placed on a new line. Make sure that the Content-Type header defines the format for the Body option. Your application server will expect data in the specified format.

This field is required when the HTTP Post Request option has been marked.


Determines the body of the HTTP POST request. When specifying the body, you can use keywords that will be replaced with dynamic data when the email notification is sent.

This field is required when the HTTP Post Request option has been marked.

Test Notification

Allows you to send a test HTTP POST request. The status code returned by the server will be indicated directly below this option.


Restores the default content for the Headers and Body options.