Cache-Control Header Treatment

Category: Caching

Purpose: Controls the generation of Cache-Control headers by the edge server when the External Max-Age feature is active.

The easiest way to achieve this type of configuration is to place the External Max-Age and the Cache-Control Header Treatment features in the same statement.

Value Result

Pass Through

Ensures that the following actions will take place:

  • Ensures that the Cache-Control header produced by the External Max-Age feature is never added to the response.
  • If the origin server produces a Cache-Control header, it will pass through to the end-user.

If the origin server does not set a Cache-Control header, then this mode may cause the response to not include a Cache-Control header.


Ensures that the following actions will take place:

  • Overwrites the Cache-Control header generated by the origin server.
  • Adds the Cache-Control header produced by the External Max-Age feature to the response.

Add if Missing

If a Cache-Control header was not received from the origin server, then this option adds the Cache-Control header produced by the External Max-Age feature. This option is useful for ensuring that all assets will be assigned a Cache-Control header.


This option ensures that a Cache-Control header is not included with the header response. If a Cache-Control header has already been assigned, then it will be stripped from the header response.

Default Behavior: Overwrite.