Administering Drafts and Rules

This section explains how to perform the following administrative tasks:

Creating a Draft

Create a draft by either adding a brand new one or by copying an existing draft/policy.

Importing a Draft / Policy

An alternate method of duplicating a draft or policy is to import an XML version of it into an empty draft.

Key information:

Modifying a Draft

Modify a draft to fine-tune a Rules Engine configuration.

Only a policy may be applied to test or live site traffic. This means that once a draft accurately reflects the desired configuration, it should be converted into a read-only policy.

Use the search bar to filter the drafts listed on the Drafts tab by name. Only drafts whose name contain the specified word or phrase will be displayed. Clear the search bar to view all drafts.

All settings within a draft may be modified. However, only a single rule may be modified at any given time. Likewise, a draft may not be renamed until changes to a rule have been saved or canceled.

To modify a draft

  1. Navigate to the Rules Engine page corresponding to the desired platform.
  2. From the Drafts tab, open the desired draft by clicking on its name.
  3. Perform one or more of the following actions:

Converting a Draft

Before a draft may be applied to the Production or Staging environment, it must be converted into a read-only policy. Before taking this step, please make sure that the rule(s) defined in the draft accurately reflect(s) how traffic should be handled by the CDN.

A policy may be applied to the Production or Staging environment via a deploy request.

Use the search bar to filter the drafts listed on the Drafts tab by name. Only drafts whose name contain the specified word or phrase will be displayed. Clear the search bar to view all drafts.

The conversion of a draft to a read-only policy is irreversible. However, a draft may be created by duplicating a policy.

Deleting a Draft

A draft may be deleted by viewing it and then clicking Delete.

The deletion of a draft is permanent. Once a draft has been deleted, it cannot be recovered.

Use the search bar to filter the drafts listed on the Drafts tab by name. Only drafts whose name contain the specified word or phrase will be displayed. Clear the search bar to view all drafts.

More Information