
This type of report tracks bandwidth (Mbps) usage by protocol. This report is based on traffic statistics tracked by our edge servers.

A Bandwidth report consists of a graph indicating the bandwidth usage for the selected protocol and/or POP(s) over a particular time period.

Key information:

The data that was used to generate the graph can be viewed below it. A table indicates bandwidth usage (megabits per second) in five minute intervals over the time period covered by the report.

Graph information:

To generate a Bandwidth report

  1. Load the Bandwidth report.

    1. From the main menu, navigate to Analytics | Core Reports.
    2. From the side navigation bar, expand Bandwidth and then select the desired protocol (e.g., select CAN for HTTP).

    A graph will display bandwidth usage over the last week for all POPs.

  2. Optional. Use the Date Range option to define either a custom or predefined (e.g., This Week) time period for which report data will be generated.