
Match conditions in the Device category identify requests that originate from a mobile device.

All match conditions in this category require Rules Engine - Mobile Device Detection Rules. This component of Rules Engine must be purchased separately. Contact your CDN account manager to activate it.

Rules Engine can leverage a client's user agent to identify requests that originate from a mobile device. It is able to do so by looking up the client's user agent in the WURFLThe purpose of ScientiaMobile's Wireless Universal Resource FiLe is to detect mobile devices. HTTP Rules Engine leverages their comprehensive database to allow custom logic to be defined around how mobile devices are handled. database. This database contains extensive descriptive information on user agents. This information can be accessed either through match conditions or variables.

Match Conditions

These match conditions are designed to identify requests based on the client's user agent.

Name Purpose

Brand Name

Identifies requests by whether the device's brand name matches a:

Device OS

Identifies requests by whether the device's OS matches a:

Device OS Version

Identifies requests by whether the device's OS version matches a:

Dual Orientation?

Identifies requests by whether the device supports dual orientation.

HTML Preferred DTD

Identifies requests by whether the device's HTML preferred DTD matches a:

Image Inlining?

Identifies requests by whether the device supports Base64 encoded images.

Is Android?

Identifies requests by whether the device uses the Android OS.

Is App?

Identifies requests by whether a native application requested content.

Is Full Desktop?

Identifies requests by whether the device provides a full desktop experience.

Is iOS?

Identifies requests by whether the device uses iOS.

Is Robot?

Identifies requests by whether the device is considered to be an automated HTTP client (e.g., a robot crawler).

Is Smart TV?

Identifies requests by whether the device is a smart TV.

Is Smartphone?

Identifies requests by whether the device is a smartphone.

Is Tablet?

Identifies requests by whether the device is a tablet.

Is Touchscreen?

Identifies requests by whether the device's primary pointing device is a touchscreen.

Is Windows Phone?

Identifies requests by whether the device is a a Windows Mobile 6.5/Windows Phone 7 or higher.

Is Wireless Device?

Identifies requests by whether the device is wireless.

Marketing Name

Identifies requests by whether the device's marketing name matches a:

Mobile Browser

Identifies requests by whether the device's browser matches a:

Mobile Browser Version

Identifies requests by whether the device's browser version matches a:

Model Name

Identifies requests by whether the device's model name matches a:

Progressive Download?

Identifies requests by whether the device supports progressive download.

Release Date

Identifies requests by whether the device's release date matches a:

Resolution Height

Identifies requests by the device's height.

Resolution Width

Identifies requests by the device's width.