Rules Engine Groups

A brief description for each type of Rules Engine group is provided below.

Group Type Description


This group provides commonly used match conditions and features.


This group provides commonly used match conditions and features.


This group:

  • Provides specialized match conditions and features that are more technical in nature.
  • Allows the use of HTTP variables.
  • Also includes all match conditions and features associated with the Basic group.

Mobile Device Detection

This group:

  • Matches requests based on the type of mobile device.
  • Also includes all match conditions and features associated with the Basic group.

Match Conditions

Identify the available match conditions for each group through the following legend:

Match Condition Standard Basic Advanced Mobile Device Detection


AS Number

CDN Origin

City Name Literal




City Name Regex




Client IP Address





Cookie Parameter Literal

Cookie Parameter Regex


Cookie Parameter Wildcard


Customer Origin

Device Category


DMA Code













Metro Code




Postal Code




Referring Domain Literal

Referring Domain Wildcard

Region Code




Request Header Literal

Request Header Regex

Request Header Wildcard

Request Method

Request Scheme

URL Path Literal

URL Path Regex



URL Path Wildcard

URL Path Directory Literal

URL Path Directory Wildcard

URL Path Extension Literal

URL Path Extension Wildcard

URL Path Filename Literal

URL Path Filename Wildcard

URL Query Literal

URL Query Regex


URL Query Wildcard

URL Query Parameter Literal

URL Query Parameter Wildcard


Identify the available features for each group through the following legend:

Feature Standard Basic Advanced Mobile Device Detection

Age Response Header


Bandwidth Parameters

Bandwidth Throttling

Bypass Cache

Cache-Control Header Treatment

Cache-Key Query String

Cache-Key Rewrite

Cacheable HTTP Methods


Cacheable Request Body Size


Compress File Types


Custom Log Field 1

Debug Cache Response Headers

Default Internal Max-Age

Deny Access (403)

Expires Header Treatment

External Max-Age

Follow Redirects


Force Internal Max-Age

Honor No-Cache Request

Ignore Origin No-Cache

Ignore Unsatisfiable Ranges

Internal Max-Stale

Log Query String

Maximum Keep-Alive Requests


Mask Client Subnet

Modify Client Request Header

Modify Client Response Header

Partial Cache Sharing

Prevalidate Cached Content

Proxy Special Headers






Refresh Zero-Byte Cache Files

Revalidate While Stale




Revalidate While Stale Timer




Set Cacheable Status Codes

Set Client IP Custom Header

Stale Content Delivery on Error



Stale While Revalidate


Token Auth

More InformationThis feature requires the Token-Based Authentication feature.

Token Auth Denial Code

More InformationThis feature requires the Token-Based Authentication feature.

Token Auth Ignore URL Case

More InformationThis feature requires the Token-Based Authentication feature.

Token Auth Parameter

More InformationThis feature requires the Token-Based Authentication feature.

URL Redirect

URL Rewrite

User Variable