Rate Enforcement Dashboard

Use the Rate Enforcement dashboard to identify when a rate limit enforcement event took place. For the purposes of this dashboard, an event occurs when your rate limit's threshold has been exceeded.

Sample Scenario

The Rate Enforcement dashboard will log a single event whenever your rate limit threshold is exceeded. This occurs regardless of the number of requests that end up being rate limited as a result of this enforcement.

In this example, you have configured a rate limit of 300 requests per minute with an enforcement duration of 1 minute. Assuming the traffic pattern described below, the Rate Enforcement dashboard will indicate that 4 events took place.

Time # of Requests










The Rate Enforcement dashboard allows you to:

Log data is retained for 30 days for most WAF solutions. The exception is WAF Insights which only retains data for 7 days.

This article describes:


The dashboard contains two different views through which rate limit analysis may be performed, which are:

To view the Rate Enforcement dashboard

  1. Navigate to the Rate Enforcement dashboard (Rate Enforcement tab of the Overview page). ClosedHow?From the main menu, navigate to MoreSecurity | WAF Tier| Dashboard. Click Rate Enforcement.

    The dashboard will display a chart showing recent enforcements of your security policy.

  2. Optional. View event log data by clicking Event Logs from the side navigation bar. Verify that the Rate Enforcement tab is selected.


The Overview is a useful tool for detecting patterns for rate limited traffic directed to your origin servers. This view consists of a chart and statistics for a given time period.


A chart or line graph displays the number of times that enforcement of your rate limit rate limit was initiated over a given time period.

By default, a single line on the graph represents all rate limit enforcement events. Alternatively, categorize enforcement events by selecting the desired categorization criteria from the option that appears directly above the graph. A line will be drawn on the chart for each unique value.

Key information:


Statistics for the enforcement of your rate limits over a given time period are displayed directly below the chart. Statistics are broken down by category.

By default, statistics for up to the 10 most popular entries may be displayed for each category. Customize this limit through the Max Top Number option. This option also affects the maximum number of lines that may be graphed.

View a brief description for each category.

The following information is displayed for each category:

Event Log View

This view provides the means to delve into the details of rate limit enforcement. Each enforcement event is described as follows:

A sample rule violation is provided below.

Enforced Rule: Drop Traffic 10s ago 12:00:00.00 UTC

Action Type: drop-request

Clicking on an event will expand that entry and display detailed information about it.

View a brief description for each event log entry field.

Key information:


Filters are applied to both the Overview and the Event Log views. Most fields support filtering.

The Overview and the Event Log views cannot be filtered by the Timestamp field. Use the Time Range option instead. This option filters the dashboard for events that occurred during a relative time period from the present (e.g., Last 24 hours or Last 7 days).

Key information:


A brief description for each field used to describe/categorize rate limiting enforcement is provided below.

Field Description

Action Name

Indicates the name of the action that was applied to rate limited requests as a result of this enforcement event.

Assign names to actions by defining your rate rule via our REST API.

Action Type

Indicates the type of action (e.g., custom-response) that was applied to rate limited requests as a result of this enforcement event.

Rule Name

Indicates the name of the rule whose threshold was exceeded.


Indicates the date and time (UTC) at which rate limiting enforcement was initiated.

This field is only available from within the Event Log view. Requests may not be filtered by this field. Filter by time through the Time Range option that appears on the left-hand side of the dashboard.