Getting to Know the Media Control Center

The Media Control Center (MCC) site provides a central location from which you can:

Learn how to:


The MCC's landing page is known as the Dashboard. The Dashboard provides a space through which you can:


The Performance section, which provides a high-level overview of CDN performance for your traffic over the last seven days, provides insight into:


The Dashboard uses updated terminology that more accurately identifies traffic. These updated terms will eventually be rolled out throughout the MCC. Definitions for these terms are provided below.

Metric Description


Identifies all requests that were submitted to the CDN for your content.

Cache Hits

Identifies requests that were served from CDN cache.

Cache Misses

Identifies requests that were served from an origin server instead of CDN cache.

Cache Status

Indicates how the CDN handled the request with regards to caching.

View cache status code definitions.

The names for our existing cache status codes have been updated. Although these updated names are only being used by the Dashboard, we plan on rolling them out throughout the MCC.

Response Code

Identifies the percentage of responses sent to the client for each HTTP status code series (e.g., 2xx, 3xx, 4xx, etc.). Each series contains all status codes that fall within that range. For example, 2xx includes all status codes that fall within the 200 - 299 range.

Hit Ratio

Indicates the percentage of cacheable requests that were served from CDN cache.

Requests that cannot be cached are ignored when calculating this percentage. For example, a web server or CDN configuration (e.g., Rules Engine's Bypass Cache feature) could disable caching for a specific type of request.

Cache Status Codes

The Dashboard introduces the following cache status code changes:

Our cache status codes are defined below.

Cache Status Code Description

Bypass Cache - Not Cached

Original Name: UNCACHEABLE

This status is reported when an asset's Cache-Control and Expires headers indicate that it should not be cached on a POP or by the HTTP client. These types of requests are served from the origin server.

Cache Restricted

Original Name: NONE

This status indicates that a cache content freshness check was not performed. This check is skipped when Token-Based Authentication denies a request or when an HTTP request method is used that bypasses cache (e.g., PUT, DELETE, etc).

CDN Overrides - Not Cached


This status indicates that a customer-specific configuration on our edge servers prevented the asset from being cached.

For example, Rules Engine may prevent an asset from being cached by enabling the Bypass Cache feature for qualifying requests.

Client Refresh Cache Misses


This status is reported when an HTTP client (e.g., browser) forces an edge server to retrieve a new version of a stale asset from the origin server.

By default, our servers prevent an HTTP client from forcing our edge servers to retrieve a new version of the asset from the origin server. However, this behavior may be overridden by leveraging the Honor No-Cache Request feature (Rules Engine).


This status is reported when staleIdentifies cached content whose TTL has expired. Our edge servers revalidate stale content with the origin server. This step ensures that the latest version of the requested content is served to the requester. content is requested. This metric is calculated by summing requests that result in either of the following cache status codes:

  • Revalidated Cache Hits
  • Expired-Updated Cache Misses

Expired-Updated Cache Misses


This status is reported when a newer version of an expired cached asset is served from the POP to the client. This occurs when the TTL for a cached asset has expired (e.g., expired max-age) and the origin server returns a newer version of that asset. This new version of the asset will be served to the client instead of the cached version. Additionally, it will be cached on the edge server and the client.

From Origin Cache Misses

Original Name: TCP_MISS

This status indicates that a cached version of the requested asset was not found on the POP closest to the client. The asset will be requested from either an origin server or an origin shield server. If the origin server or the origin shield server returns an asset, it will be served to the client and cached on both the client and the edge server. Otherwise, a non-200 status code (e.g., 403 Forbidden, 404 Not Found, etc.) will be returned.

In Cache - Cache Hits

Original Name: TCP_HIT

This status is reported when a request is served directly from the POP to the client. An asset is immediately served from a POP when it is cached on the POP closest to the client and it has a valid TTL. TTL is determined by the following response headers:

  • Cache-Control: s-maxage
  • Cache-Control: max-age
  • Expires

Not Cached

This status is reported when the CDN was prevented from serving content from cache due to either of the following types of configurations:

  • CDN: This type of request is tracked through the CDN Overrides - Not Cached cache status code.
  • Origin Server: This type of request is tracked through the Bypass Cache - Not Cached cache status code.

Partial Cache Hits

Original Name: TCP_PARTIAL_HIT

This status is reported when a request results in a hit for a partially cached asset. The requested asset is immediately served from the POP to the client.

The Partial Cache Sharing feature enables the capability to generate partially cached content.

Revalidated Cache Hits

Original Name: TCP_EXPIRED_HIT

This status is reported when a request that targeted an asset with an expired time to live (TTL), such as when the asset's max-age has expired, was served directly from the POP to the client.

An expired request typically results in a revalidation request to the origin server. In order for a TCP_EXPIRED_HIT to occur, the origin server must indicate that a newer version of the asset does not exist. This type of situation will typically update that asset's Cache-Control and Expires headers.


This section contains graphs that provide insight into your bandwidth usage (Avg. Usage/Sec) and the amount of your data that was transferred via the CDN.

View usage information for a given month through the Traffic Summary report.