Match Conditions

A matchRules Engine: Defines a prerequisite that must be met before one or more actions (i.e., features) may be applied to a request. condition identifies specific types of requests for which a set of features will be performed.

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The available types of match conditions are:


The Always match condition is designed to apply a default set of features to all requests.


These match conditions are designed to identify requests based on the client's user agent.

Name Purpose

Brand Name

Identifies requests by whether the device's brand name matches a:

Device OS

Identifies requests by whether the device's OS matches a:

Device OS Version

Identifies requests by whether the device's OS version matches a:

Dual Orientation?

Identifies requests by whether the device supports dual orientation.

HTML Preferred DTD

Identifies requests by whether the device's HTML preferred DTD matches a:

Image Inlining?

Identifies requests by whether the device supports Base64 encoded images.

Is Android?

Identifies requests by whether the device uses the Android OS.

Is App?

Identifies requests by whether a native application requested content.

Is Full Desktop?

Identifies requests by whether the device provides a full desktop experience.

Is iOS?

Identifies requests by whether the device uses iOS.

Is Robot?

Identifies requests by whether the device is considered to be an automated HTTP client (e.g., a robot crawler).

Is Smart TV?

Identifies requests by whether the device is a smart TV.

Is Smartphone?

Identifies requests by whether the device is a smartphone.

Is Tablet?

Identifies requests by whether the device is a tablet.

Is Touchscreen?

Identifies requests by whether the device's primary pointing device is a touchscreen.

Is Windows Phone?

Identifies requests by whether the device is a a Windows Mobile 6.5/Windows Phone 7 or higher.

Is Wireless Device?

Identifies requests by whether the device is wireless.

Marketing Name

Identifies requests by whether the device's marketing name matches a:

Mobile Browser

Identifies requests by whether the device's browser matches a:

Mobile Browser Version

Identifies requests by whether the device's browser version matches a:

Model Name

Identifies requests by whether the device's model name matches a:

Progressive Download?

Identifies requests by whether the device supports progressive download.

Release Date

Identifies requests by whether the device's release date matches a:

Resolution Height

Identifies requests by the device's height.

Resolution Width

Identifies requests by the device's width.


These match conditions are designed to identify requests based on the requesterRefers to the user that requested content.'s location.

Name Purpose

AS Number

Identifies requests that originate from a particular network.

City Name

Identifies requests by whether they originate from a city whose name matches a:


Identifies requests that originate from the specified continents.


Identifies requests that originate from the specified countries.

DMA Code

Identifies requests that originate from the specified metros (Designated Market Areas).


Identifies requests that originate from the specified latitudes.


Identifies requests that originate from the specified longitudes.

Metro Code

Identifies requests that originate from the specified metros (Designated Market Areas).

Postal Code

Identifies requests that originate from the specified postal codes.

Region Code

Identifies requests that originate from the specified regions.


These match conditions are designed to identify requests that point to CDN storage or a customer origin server.

Name Purpose

CDN Origin

Identifies requests for content stored on CDN storage.

Customer Origin

Identifies requests for content stored on a specific customer origin server.


These match conditions are designed to identify requests based on their properties.

Name Purpose

Client IP Address

Identifies requests that originate from a particular IP address.

Cookie Parameter

Identifies a request by whether it contains a cookie that matches a:


Identifies requests that point to a specific edge CNAME.

Referring Domain

Identifies a request by whether it was referred by a hostname that matches a:

Request Header

Identifies a request by whether it contains a header that matches a:

Request Method

Identifies requests by their HTTP method.

Request Scheme

Identifies requests by their HTTP protocol.


These match conditions are designed to identify requests based on their URLs.

Name Purpose

URL Path

Identifies requests by whether their relative path, including filename, matches a:

URL Path Directory

Identifies requests by whether their relative path matches a:

URL Path Extension

Identifies requests by whether their file extension matches a:

URL Path Filename

Identifies requests by whether their filename matches a:

URL Query

Identifies requests by whether their query string matches a:

URL Query Parameter

Identifies requests by whether they contain a query string parameter set to a value that matches a: